miércoles, 31 de marzo de 2021

Drama Activity!- Understanding dramatic structure

Hello Everyone! Today we are doing a fun activity to understand 'DRAMATIC STRUCTURE'.

What's dramatic structure? you may ask, well it is the plot structure of a play (or movie) including the exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution-


We must study this structure to understand how a theater play works! Hope you have fun, and have a lovely week! 

Hugs and Kisses 


2 comentarios:

  1. Hello Miss Dana. my favorite movie is kally is about a girl, she name kally. she wan't go to the conservatory Allegro she has a best friend the name is Tina I am JUANA

    1. Hello Juana! I don't think I know this movie!, It sounds very very interesting. I will watch it! Very good use of english.
      See you very soon
      Miss Dana
