martes, 16 de junio de 2020

English lesson June 16th

(Oxford Discover Book - Unit 1 “HAVING FUN”)

Remember to create a cover for the new project: 
Stick a colour page in the copybook and write “Project #4 - Having fun”. Decorate it with fun drawings!! 

Hello kids! 👋 How are you? 

 Welcome to project #4!!

Today we want you to 👀 watch this INTRODUCTORY VIDEO.
It makes us feel super happy, excited and animated! How does it make you feel?
Choose one of the options: 

This video makes me feel ………. 

Confident 😎           Bored 😐         Sad 😔       Worried 😰       Surprised 😯

Excited 😄          Sleepy 😴             Scared 😱      Confused 😵         Calm😇

Let’s brainstorm 💡 together to form a WORD CLOUD.
CLICK on this link and ANSWER the question: How do people have fun??

IMPORTANT: The link will only last 48 hours!!
Make sure you do it before Thursday!!  

After de Mentimeter,
WATCH 👀 this video  👉 Big Question 1 - Oxford Discover  with the introduction of Unit 1 from the Oxford Discover Book. 

Next, WATCH 👀 the pictures with vocabulary from page 8. 👇

  • Finally, CLICK on this link👉 MATCHING ACTIVITY 👇
  • match the pictures to the vocabulary. When you finish, don't forget to press “Terminado”.

Have a wonderful short week! 💖


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