jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

English 3rd lesson! Thursday 19th of March

Hello Kids! 馃槉 How are you??

We miss you a lot!!!馃挆

Remember that we were talking about seasons? Now, we want you to CREATE your own season.

In order to do that, think about this: 

  • What changes in nature can we see in your season? 
  • What indoor and outdoor activities can people do in your season?
  • Which fruits and vegetables grow? 
  • Is the temperature hot or cold? 
  • What is the name of your season? Invent one!

*You can add any kind of information that you want

Write your ideas below in the comments section.


Have you finished? Good job!! Now, play this fun Kahoot about "Seasons and The Weather"

7 comentarios:

  1. Felipe Garc铆a 脕lvarez19 de marzo de 2020, 17:53

    my season have animals .
    it's hot and cold.
    there potato and tomato.

  2. Juana P茅rez Longo19 de marzo de 2020, 19:52

    Hello Miss Celeste
    In my season grow red and blue trees and pink flowers.
    Grow a lot of blueberries and tomatoes.
    The temperatura is hot and sunny.
    The name is Flowers.

  3. My season is "Summer Cool". The temperature is Hot, I like to grow flowers and in my season the sun is bigger.

  4. The name of my season is hotcold.
    In my season is cold in the day and it is hot in the night. In the day I can play with the snow and in the night I can go to swim.
    I am Sofi

  5. My season is very pretty
    It has a big rainbow
    The temperature is very hot
