miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020

English lesson March 25th VIRTUAL MEETING TODAY!

Hello Kids! Here are the activities for the week!
I hope you had a great long weekend!! What did you do?
I hope you  rested at home, watching a movie or playing some board games with your family :) 

Remember that today we will have a virtual meeting at 16:00hs! 

To enter click on this link:   https://zoom.us/j/119726196

  • Watch this video of a song called "A Week is Seven Days" that mentions a lot of activities that you can do these days that you are in quarantine. 

Now that you are at home… Think….

  • Which of these activities CAN you do at home during quarantine? 
  • Which are the ones you  CAN’T do during quarantine? 

Write your answers in your copybook!

Remember your copybook should look like this: 

Today is…

Then, write 2 sentences about what you did in one of the long weekend days!
Tell us! Leave your comment below in the comments section

Example: On Sunday, I played with my toys in the morning, then I helped my family to cook  and I played a board game. 

Have you finished? Wonderful! Now you can play this  Concentration game. Select the option NATURE and have fun!
Which words were difficult for you? You can include that in your comment below.

Miss Cele & Miss Connie ❤

7 comentarios:

  1. On Monday was my birthday,i
    Players fortnite oline with my friends.

  2. Yesterday I played with my brother.

  3. Martina Fernandez Erut25 de marzo de 2020, 15:23

    On sunday I swam a lot

  4. Hello miss cele last weekend played with my dog, and played witn my sister

  5. felipe garcia alvares25 de marzo de 2020, 18:53

    On Saturday i had breakfast with my family and i played with my brother.

  6. felipe garcia alvarez25 de marzo de 2020, 19:03

    On Sunday i had breakfast i watched tv.

  7. Hi Miss Cele
    In the weekend, I played with my dolls, I watched tv, I cooked with my mommy
    I played with my dogs Alex and Olivia
