lunes, 10 de agosto de 2020

English lesson August 10th

 How are you kids? 😎

We hope you had an amazing weekend! 😍

📕Today we are going to keep on working with the wonderful story  “THE SMARTEST GIANT IN TOWN”. Today we will focus on  PAGES 7 to  14 FROM THE PDF 📘👉THE SMARTEST GIANT IN TOWN

WATCH 👀 this amazing storytelling video: THE SMARTEST GIANT IN TOWN 😊 It will be great if you watch it once first and then you listen to it and read along as many times as you want.

Now, we want you to design YOUR OWN PIECE OF CLOTHING! 

✂👚Choose your favourite piece of clothing, design it and describe it following this pattern:

This is my (piece of clothing), it is (adjective) and (adjective). I love (what you love about it).

Example: This is my tie, it is big and red! I love wearing ties around my neck. 


📷Send the picture of your piece of clothing to your teacher by email and get ready to present it in Meet later on this week! 💟

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