lunes, 31 de agosto de 2020

English lesson August 31st

 Welcome to the last week of project #5!  

Hi kids! 👋👋👋👋

Today we will start working on the FINAL OUTCOME of this project. 🙌

You will have to invent your own giant, create a memorama in which you will include two (2) different looks (one scruffy look and one smart look) and you will describe both the physical aspect and the personality of your giant. You will present your final outcome orally during the last class of the week and show your memorama to the class. 

We will divide the final outcome in 3 parts:

  • PART 1: Creation of the MEMORAMA. 🎨

  • PART 2: Description of the GIANT. 📙🖊

  • PART 3: Oral presentation. 📢

Today we will work with PART 1: Creation of the MEMORAMA. 🎨

👀 WATCH the following tutorial video which explains how to create your MEMORAMA using only a few materials. 😊👉 MEMORAMA TUTORIAL

🎨 It is important that you INCLUDE two different looks in your memorama: one scruffy look and one smart look. You can choose any clothes and decorate them as you want. 

🎨 Remember to include three (3) cardboard rolls to be able to change the clothes and the shoes.

As this activity will close the project, it is important that you do it soon because you will need it to continue working on parts 2 and 3.

Bitmoji Image

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