martes, 4 de agosto de 2020

English Lesson August 4th

Hi kids! 👋 How have you been?

Ready to continue working on this project? 😉

Here we leave you the PDF of the book. We will be reading it together in class but you can also read it at home. 


 Let’s meet George!!

George is the main character of this story. We will pay close attention to the description of his appearance and personality. 

Today, we will start by analyzing this character’s outside but later in the project we will describe the character’s inside, too.

The following chart contains vocabulary to describe a character on the outside. CIRCLE the words that describe George. Next, MAKE A DRAWING of George in the copybook and WRITE the describing words around it. (If you click on it you can open the picture in another tab and print it!)

Now that we know what this giant looks like, let’s see WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE AS A GIANT!! WATCH this video with pictures using a photography technique named “FORCED PERSPECTIVE”. It is an optical illusion that makes people or objects look bigger or smaller. FORCED PERSPECTIVE TUTORIAL

It is incredible! You can pretend to be a giant using your pets, someone from your family or some toys!! 

Send us your photos as giants by email! 📷👉📧

how you?

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