lunes, 26 de octubre de 2020

English lesson October 26th

  Happy Monday, Notsobig Crocodiles!! 🐊

Did you enjoy your weekend? 😄 Write a comment below and tell us! 👇

After reading the first 5 pages of the story, you know that there are two crocodiles… One is enormous and the other one is not so big…

Enormous 🐊 / Notsobig One 🐊

Apart from the difference in size, these crocodiles have other differences, can you complete the chart??



It is _____________________.

It is ___________________.

It wants to eat _____________________.

It wants to eat fish.

Children are juicy and ________________.

Children are _____________, ____________,

____________ and ______________.

“I’m the _____________________ croc in the whole river” 

“You are the greediest croc in the whole river”

It says that it is clever.

It says that the Enormous crocodile is the

 ______________ croc in the river.

“I have  ___________ plans and 

___________ tricks.”

It doesn’t have secret plans and clever tricks.


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