martes, 27 de octubre de 2020

English lesson October 27th

 Hello, kids! 💖

How are you today? 😄 Are you ready to see life through someone else’s eyes👀? 😲



In this routine, you will pretend that YOU ARE THE ENORMOUS CROCODILE and you will answer the questions from his point of view



1- What can you see around you in the muddiest river in Africa?

2- What relates you to the Notsobig One? Are you brothers, friends or enemies?

3- How do you feel when the Notsobig One tells you that you are the stupidest croc in the river?

4- Would you like to have friends in the jungle?

5- What do you think about humans?

Let’s see how good you are at stepping inside a character!

Love you!! 💖


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