jueves, 29 de octubre de 2020

English lesson October 29th

 How are you beautiful honeybees?🐝

 Let’s continue reading The Enormous Crocodile!.

Here you have the link of the book: The Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl.pdf 

Today we will read 4 more pages: the part of Humpy Rumpy and the part of Trunky.

(from “Hello, hello” said Humpy Rumpy to the Enormous Crocodile laughed out loud and disappeared into the thick thick jungle.)

Read the following sentences and answer TRUE ✅ or FALSE ❎:

  1. The river is muddy. __________

  2. The two crocodiles like eating children. __________

  3. The Enormous crocodile lives in the coldest place in Antarctica. __________

  4. The Notsobig One thinks the Enormous crocodile is stupid. __________

  5. The Enormous Crocodile has secret plans and clever tricks. ____________

  6. Humpy-Rumpy likes to eat children, too. __________ 

  7. Humpy-Rumpy bets the Enormous crocodile will do something horrid. __________

  8. Trunky trusts in the Enormous crocodile. __________

  9. The Enormous crocodile and Trunky are best friends. __________

  10. The animals live in a thick jungle. ____________

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