miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2020

English lesson October 28th

 Hello there 👋👋👋

How are you? 

Today we are going to learn a new way to describe people, animals and objects using COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVES.

Let’s watch the explanation on this video 👉 COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVES 

They are used to compare one thing with another. 

We always use the SUBJECT (the Enormous crocodile/ the children/ the teeth) +  the VERB (is / has)  + the ADJECTIVE (small / big / clever) + ER + than + a different subject

EXAMPLE:  The Notsobig crocodile IS SMALLER THAN the Enormous crocodile.

🐊🐊Now, can you complete the sentences?? 🐊🐊

Look at the pictures and read carefully!


1. The Enormous crocodile is hungrier than ___ ___________ ____________.

2.  The monkey is friendlier than ___ ___________ ___________.

3. ____ ________ are smaller than the Enormous crocodile.

4. The elephant is bigger than ____ ___________.

5. The teeth of the Enormous crocodile are sharper than the teeth of the _________ ___________

6. Trunky is bigger than _______   ____________    ___________ .

7.  _____________ is nicer than the Enormous crocodile.


8. The Enormous crocodile is smaller than   ____________  . 

To finish the day, have fun watching this AMAZING VIDEO 😀 👈


Did you have fun today? We hope you did!😍

Bye bye👋👋

See you tomorrow👋👋👋

Love you 💖💖

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