lunes, 13 de abril de 2020

English lesson April 13th

Hello kids! 👋👋👋

How was your long weekend? I hope you had a good time and were able to do fun and interesting things!

Let’s work on the copybook now!

As this is a new project, we need to stick a colour page for the cover. That way, we will easily differentiate Project 1 from Project 2. We have two options: 
  1. If you have one colour page at .home, you can do it. Just stick it as we did with the first one!
  2. If you don’t, please leave a blank page for us to do that when we go back to school. BUT write “PROJECT 2: ‘There's No Time to Wait’ big on it so you don’t get confused.


Now let’s go to the activity!!

For today’s activity you will need the following elements:
  • Pen or pencil to write on the copybook
  • Colours (you can use pencils, crayons, pens or markers - You choose!)
  • Scissors
  • Glue

  • Follow these instructions for an incredible Solar System:  Watch this video (link) to see how Miss Caro did it!

  • First, write the date (Today is M……, A….. 13th) and the title The Solar System”.
  • Second, if you can, print the photocopy of the planet cutouts. If not, make the drawing of the planets on a white sheet of paper (not in the copybook because it has lines). 
  • Third, cut the planets WITH THEIR NAMES.
  • After that, use the cutouts to create your own Solar System in your copybook (Remember to stick them at the correct distance from the Sun)
  • Next, decorate the space around the planets. (You can add the asteroid belt, stars or even a spaceship! Wow!)
  • Last, send me the picture of your Solar System by email to

I’m sure you will create fantastic Solar Systems!! Have lots of fun! ♥

Big hugs, 
Miss Cele 💖

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