martes, 1 de septiembre de 2020

English lesson September 1st

 Welcome back, kids!! 👋👋

Did you start working on the final outcome? 😉

Today we will work with PART 2: Description of the GIANT. 📙🖊

As you have already invented the memorama with two looks for your giant, now we will start writing about the appearance of your giant.

🖊 WRITE the description of your GIANT in the copybook following these instructions:

  • Invent a name for your giant. 

  • It can be a boy or a girl.

  • Write a minimum of 5 sentences.

  • Describe your giant’s clothes. (both styles)

  • Describe your giant’s physical appearance.

  • You can include personal information, for example: 

Does it live in a town or in a city? 

Does your giant have a family? 

What’s his/her favourite….? (food, colour, animal, sport…)

READ the following questions that will help you think about the description:

Is your giant young or old?

Does your giant have long hair or short hair? Is it curly or straight?

Does your giant have big round eyes or small eyes?

Does he/she have a particular characteristic like a moustache, a beard, glasses or freckles?

What is he/she wearing?

You can click on the following links to the vocabulary charts and use them to write your description:

📌 Physical description

📌 Clothes  

We are anxious to read those descriptions! 

We know you can do a great job!! 

doing a breakdance move called the freeze with boombox in background

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