martes, 8 de septiembre de 2020

English lesson September 8th

 Hello children 💖💖

Are you enjoying your day? 💛🌞

Today we are going to have fun and to practice a bit of spelling. What do you say? 

Do you want to play today? 😊

1- Let’s start by playing this wonderful game, but be careful!👀 You have to write each word properly         👇 

       Adjective hangman 

2- Write the words that you discovered in your copybook! 📙

3-  Have fun playing this crossword 👉 CROSSWORD

4-  Play this game and hit the moles with the correct spelling, pay attention! 



We hope you enjoy this game and practice your spelling! 

Bye Bye 👋👋

See you tomorrow 💖

Bitmoji Image

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