miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2020

English lesson September 30th

 Hi there children!! 👋👋

Today we will continue using the future to make some predictions about plants.

We always use WILL + VERB to talk about what we think will happen.

For example: The plant will dry without water. 

👉 Look at the pictures and read the following predictions to decide if they are TRUE or FALSE.

  • Picture 1:

  1. The plant will dry without water. ____

  2. The plant will grow without water. ____

  • Picture 2:

  1. The plant will grow without sunlight. ____

  2. The leaves will be green without water.  ____

  • Picture 3:

  1. The seed will germinate without soil. ____

  2. The seed will have roots, stem and leaves. ____

  • Picture 4:

  1.  Flowers will bloom with fresh water. ____

  2. Flowers will bloom with hot water. ____

We hope you enjoy these activities!

Love you!! 💖

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