miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2020

English lesson September 2nd

Hello, little rainbows! 🌈

Let’s continue working on  PART 2: Description of the GIANT. 📙🖊

Now we will work on the personality of the giant.

🖊 WRITE the description of your GIANT in the copybook following these instructions:

  • Write a minimum of 3 sentences explaining what adjectives describe your giant’s personality. 

He/she is…. because….

For example:   He is kind because he helps others.

He is scruffy because he wears old patched-up clothes

  • Include positive and negative adjectives in your description. 

  • Try to think about how your giant behaves and mention some of his/her actions.

READ the following questions that will help you think about the description:

Is your giant good or bad?

Does he/she help others, or not?

Is your giant generous or selfish?

Is your giant friendly or unfriendly?

Is your giant tidy or untidy?

You can click on the following link to the vocabulary chart and use it to write your personality description:

📌 Personality description 

You can write this second part of the description after the description of the physical appearance in the copybook. 

We can’t wait to read about your giant’s personalities!! 

We are sure they will be surprising!

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